How To Feel Good
October 29, 2020Nutrition Tips: Eating Healthy for Chronic Fatigue and 5 Foods You Should Avoid
December 30, 2020I’ve never shared how I cured myself of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, and two more viral reactivations. The path to healing from chronic illness is messy without a direct path. By sharing my experience, it can bring hope to those who need to hear my story, and also provide real testimonials of treatments that work. Also, note that I wasn’t privileged with financial funds to splurge on any everything, so I made it work on a budget. From nutrition to ozone therapy and acupuncture, each treatment carved a path to healing, and the catalyst was the gift of neuroplasticity.
When I first was sick in 2012, CFS was just making its way on the radar at doctor’s offices. I remember watching the Oprah show as a kid when they debating on what Chronic Fatigue Syndrome really was, skeptics labeled it “the Yuppie Flu“. It was hard to watch perfectly healthy people being meanspirited calling those sick calling “lazy” and making fun of the calling into work sick. This is because medicine hadn’t caught up yet to this mystery illness.
I was lucky enough to see Dr. Rey under Dr. Nancy Klimas at NSU in early 2013 because I lived in Miami. It’s worth noting, there were only 3-5 specialists who treated CFS during that time, and people were on waitlists for months and years. While I received useful treatment, and information there was only so far they could guide me over the next 4 years. I thought I would have to live with this forever but I refused to stick to that story, especially after learning about epigenetics and neuroplasticity.
This is when I enrolled in nutrition school becoming a certified health and wellness coach. I applied everything I learned. Little did I know that my journey was just beginning, and ending with me healing my brain and limbic system for a full recovery.
What Chronic Fatigue Feels Like
Epidemic survivors from the Lake Tahoe outbreak of Epstein-Barr Virus, Erik Johnson, described the illness as follows: “Marathon runners, overnight, could not climb a flight of stairs. People who set out in the morning for work had to be carried home. Those who could still drive got lost trying to find their way home. A math teacher could not do addition. An English teacher could not conjugate a sentence. That is called “brain fog” and it can be debilitating day after day.
While this is acute and can last for a few years, it can then become chronic and also reactivating (like relapse) depending on your immune system function, which depends on how much stress you’re experiencing. Stress comes in many forms, emotional, mental, chemical, and biological. This is food, relationships, conversations, fumes, mold, and climate (everything).
Bottom line, after the acute infection and disruption of your body, you’re body becomes stress intolerant and will react to the smallest amount of the above-mentioned stress.
After I cleaned up and repaired my mind, body, and soul I focused on preparing my brain and limbic system because neuroplasticity works.
It’s important to understand my path and the root cause is not everyone else’s, so make sure you do your research for your treatment plan taking into consideration individual root causes, and other medical acute and chronic issues (mental health too).
Realize your body and limbic system have become stress intolerant after a blow to the body from post-viral chronic fatigue.
What Did I Do Triumph Over This Chronic Illness?
- In a nutshell, this is what I did during the last 3 years. Before then, I saw traditional specialists for NeuroImmune Disorders finding some relief but not enough to be functioning as I needed.
- Cleaned up my diet, eliminating a lot of sugar, refined carbs, alcohol (that’s an entire blog post), gluten, dairy, and inflammatory foods.
- Supplemented (the game changer) with KPAX Immune and KPAX Energy, and many herbs and vitamins
- Purged all relationships, habits, and things that didn’t serve me
- Received acupuncture by Lindsay Flatt, massage, talk-therapy treatments, IR Sauna, Ozone IV Therapy
- Created daily habits of gentle movement and Transcendental Meditation
- Detoxed and repaired my gut
- DNRS and later Joe Dispenza Meditations and Tools from Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.
More Tips How to Change Your Brain
- Take time to disconnect and close your eyes.
- Take some breaths and center yourself back down into the present moment.
- Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by the vision of the future instead of the memories of the past?” Think about this, write it down.
- Decide on the emotions you’ll feel when you live in that future and teach your body emotionally what that future is going to feel like.
- Rehearse in your mind who you’re going to be when you open your eyes.
- You cannot go to the future holding on to your past. Decide what behaviors or unconscious habits you have to change.
- Decide what emotions you cannot have in your future self.
Every day, I continue to strive to live a life that is healthier than before when I became ill. We all change and evolve and making my health a priority while also keeping important priorities in life is a constant balancing act. It can be done so find your mantra and live by the emotions of how you want to feel, be, and act.